Wednesday 27 July 2011


Mother and baby doing well, we have decided to call it Angel as it can be a boy or a girl's name.  Fluff is looking after it very well, and I set up the small rabbit hutch that was the broody next, today so that they have an enclosed safe outside space inside the big run.

Monday 25 July 2011


A few weeks ago we went to a show and bought 2 beautiful Orpingtons (a Buff and a Lavender Splash).  They were in a pen with a cockerel at the show and on the way home one of them laid an egg.  As we had a broody Silkie at home we decided to put the egg under her to see what happened, but did not really expect anything.  Today I have gone to check on her and there is the most beautiful yellow tiny chick!!!  So excited!!  Will get some pictures in the next day or two as didn't want to disturb her to much!

Saturday 23 July 2011


Hi, your have to bear with me, as I am new to this blogging.

My name is Julie and I am chicken crazy, actually it is not just chickens I love all animals but chickens are such fabulous creatures they have me completely hooked.

In my household I have 14 chickens, two rabbits, one dog (although another one planned, I will go into that later) three children and one very tolerant husband!!

My girls are are mainly a variety of hybrids, but I also have 2 Orpingtons, 1 Belgium Bantam, 1 Silkie, 1 Volwerk and 2 Cream Legbars (which we reared from day old chicks).

I am very lucky as my flock are very laid back and tolerant.  New girls are isolated for two weeks alongside the old girls and then allowed to free range together for a short time and thankfully this seems to work and prevents too much pecking.  

This is our permanent run which the girls are in all the time and then when we are in, they free range in the garden.  The rabbits also have the run of the whole place except when the girls are free ranging and then they are locked in their hutch.  They all get on very well, which is great, although we had a few teething problems.  One of the chickens kept laying her egg in the rabbit hutch which didn't go down too well, but I have managed to block the door to the rabbit hutch so the girls cannot get in and the boys (rabbits) tend to stay inside during the day and sleep and then come out at dusk.

All the girls are named and are pets, but I do sell the eggs to friends and family which helps pay for their food.  I have 3 children which love the chickens, 2 boys 10 and 8 and a 3 year old girl who we call the chicken whisperer!

I decided to do a blog to just get down my experiences with my girls, as I am sure my friends and family are sick of me talking chicken all the time.  Below are a few of my girls, the bottom picture is Fleur, the Belgium Bantam, she is a very special chicken who follows my daughter everywhere, even in the house.